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white & yolk


About Us

We are a direct-to-public egg farm storefront selling the freshest eggs, ensuring a consistent, delicious egg every crack.

Located right in the heart of Melbourne’s Dandenong South, we also stock Italian delicatessen items, as well as grocery items, cakes, and coffee to fuel your day.

Our mission is to sell the freshest tasting eggs and other ancillary produce to take home to have a memorable eggs-perience.

white and yolk cafe

Our Eggs

Our eggs are graded, packaged and dispatched daily from the farm only 100 metres behind the store!

With a strong focus on animal welfare, the latest technology and the finest treatment, our eggs are optimised to be available to you fresh at the highest quality, with a consistent crack every time.

Freshly available by…




The Pantry

Alongside our famous eggs, we are your one-stop shop for high-quality, local groceries, from continental pasta and antipasto essentials, to honey, jams and confectionery!

Our premium delicatessen stocks fresh and local poultry, alongside traditional deli meats and Australian-made butter.

And who can’t forget our barista-made coffee, available all day, every day!


Got a question about our store?

Look below to find your answer, otherwise feel free to contact us.

Do you sell food to dine in?

Unfortunately, no.

We used to have a full functioning kitchen and table service with breakfast and lunch dishes, however, since the pandemic we have stopped.

What are mixed eggs?

Mixed eggs are also commonly referred to as ‘seconds’, and are eggs that are laid late in the laying life of a chicken. This means the shells are less strong and the nutrients contained in the egg are less of that of a chicken in their prime laying years.

Due to this they are priced cheaper, and are provided in mixed sizes.

Why are mixed and double yolk eggs rarely in stock?

Mixed eggs are laid late in the laying life of a chicken. At this age, a chicken can be seen as ‘obsolete’ and are preferably processed for boilers. Therefore, the farm intentionally desires to have less older birds in order to maintain high-quality levels.

For double yolk eggs, they are rare to come by simply by chance, as many eggs do not end up with two yolks. On top of this, the bird must be in peak age and physicality in order to pass an egg of that size and weight.

Are your eggs free-range?

We do not sell free-range eggs as the farm does not have the land required for free-range eggs.

However, our chickens are cared for with the utmost care, and are provided with a stress-free environment and specialised, nutritional feed for the tastiest, most nutritious eggs.

What is the difference between cage and cage-free eggs?

Our caged eggs are laid by chickens kept in safe and secure cages inside our large, climate controlled sheds.

Our cage-free eggs, or barn-laid eggs, are produced by chickens who are free to roam inside the entire large, climate controlled shed.

How long do eggs last?

Fresh eggs are best kept in the fridge for 6 weeks but always check the best before date displayed on the carton or the box.

To keep your eggs at their freshest, avoid temperature fluctuations.

Can I place an order of eggs to pick up?


Just call ahead on 9706 6785 and we can place your request off to the side for you to pick up at an appropriate, agreed time.

Please note we do not take orders on mixed eggs or double yolk eggs.

Do you have any specials running?

We announce any specials we are running on our social media pages!

Head to our Instagram and Facebook pages to see more info.

Otherwise, when you come in store, look out for any signage informing you of specials 🙂

Come on In!

Monday to Friday

8am – 5pm


9am – 2pm



Contact Us


(03) 9706 6785



388-404 Frankston-Dandenong Road, Bangholme.



